Humanity has Allies and Predators in the Greater Community. Yet, our problem is, who are our Allies, and who are our Predators? However, in my last report, I mentioned Wisdom, Mental Environments, Hybrid Aliens, and our Sovereignty. In this report, you will learn about the Allies of Humanity. Of cause, there will be much more as the report progresses.
The Allies of Humanity, Who are They? Why are They Here?
Essentially, they have come from a distant group of worlds. Relatively, they are in our vicinity of space and yet are still so distant. They are here to observe how the Alien Intervention comes and goes in our world. To gain a deeper knowledge of the intervention’s true intentions for Humanity. Our Allies know first-hand about Alien Intervention, having suffered its devastating effects upon their worlds. To remove an Alien
Intervention becomes almost impossible if they interbreed with their target Race. Yet, the Allies of Humanity know how removal can still be done. This is one of the reasons why they have come to assist Humanity. And they have already started giving their assistance.
How Did Our Allies Learn To Remove Their Intervention?
What’s more, just as our Allies have come to assist Humanity, likewise, our Allies had assistance. In the Universe, there are Forces for Good, and there are Forces not for Good. Yet, when young worlds start emerging into the Greater Community, they are so unaware. They are naive and unprepared, lacking vital experience. Thereby, they become prey to the Economic Collectives and Resource Explorers. Even so, the Economic Collectives pulled Humanity into this Greater Community emergence. Likewise, it was the same for the Allies of Humanity and gaining their assistance. They receive a new realisation to form a relationship with the Great Spirit of Knowledge. This became the pathway to remove the Intervention from their world.
The Steps To The Power Of Knowledge.
Hence, serving another Race of Beings in this way is a great honour. Not only for those who are serving and giving but also for those doing the receiving. Also, the Allies of Humanity have given us important insights into what awaits within us. Indeed, it is the Greatest Power in the universe waiting to gain our attention. Moreover, below is a glimpse of our Allies’ intentions, set out in this small portion of their Briefing.
” The Allies of Humanity Book Four.”
“The Sixth Briefing.”
‘ The Networks of The Wise.”
“Our purpose is not religion, for religion has many faces in the universe. There are many religions that we have heard of and a few we have encountered indirectly beyond our own shores.”
” The Networks of The Wise Continued.”
“It is not our purpose, you see, for we are guided by the Higher Powers, which you would consider to be the Angelic Assembly. Because our worlds are relatively free in the universe, our religions reflect the things that we study for the benefit of our races and for the well-being of our worlds. But what we ourselves study is of a greater nature. It is of the Coordination of the Wise, connected with Higher Powers beyond the physical realm.”
“The Networks of The Wise Continued.”
“Therefore, we are not here to represent the religions of our world, for we are functioning very independently of them. We are not here to represent the races of our world, as if we were ambassadors of some kind, for we are here on a very different kind of errand and mission. We are not here to establish formal relations between our nations and your nation because it is way too soon for anything like that to be established. And that is really not our ultimate goal. For we have been directed for a greater purpose than this.”
So, What is the Purpose of the Allies of Humanity?
Rather, our Allies are here to give guidance and share their wisdom with Humanity. Suitably, about the Alien Intervention in our world. The Allies of Humanity and their worlds face severe consequences if discovered helping our world. Moreover, they have already had fatalities within their group connected with them serving Humanity. One of their craft and its occupants had to self-destruct after being caught observing! Even though they tried to outrun their pursuers, being caught was not an option. They destroyed themselves to remain unknown and to save their worlds from drastic repercussions. This is the level of devotion given by our Allies in serving their purpose for Humanity.
Humanity Must be the Truth of Who They Are.
Relatively, our Allies are providing Humanity with the means to end this Alien Intervention. Yet, what is involved here? The answer is so simple it will surprise you. Moreover, it is why Humanity is in this life to start with! Let me ask you this question? Basically, why are you in this life? This is not a trick question, and it’s alright if you don’t know. Yet, you see, Human Beings believe that who they are is their mind and body. But this is not so, Human Beings are Spirit also! Indeed, first, we are Spirit, living within its vessel of mind and body. There is far more to this that will be made clear in another report later. Meanwhile, and at this time, it is important to inform you of your Spirituality.
Knowledge, The Great Spirit Awaits Our Recognition.
Truly, Knowledge, our Great Spirit, awaits our recognition and to develop a relationship with it. The Human Race has continued its Spiritual development, whereas most worlds lose this Spiritual connection. Therefore, Humanity has been given a New Education, and it comes from the Greater Community. It is not
some New Ideology or some New World Religion. Steps to Knowledge is a New Revelation, yet is older than Humanity, even older than our world. For any education to be effective, it requires the right foundation and curriculum. You will not create it for yourself. How will you compile your curriculum, if you don’t know what needs to be learned? Then, how will you know the right curriculum sequence or arrangement to learn adequately?
How to Practice Steps to Knowledge.
The Allies of Humanity also received the Practice of Step to Knowledge. Only worlds with Knowledge stand a chance of removing their Alien Intervention. Your relationship with Knowledge will give you the Wisdom to know where to be. You will be able to look and see beyond your mind and know what is happening. You will know who to be with and who not to be with. Yet, In my next report, I will share what the Alien Intervention seeks from Humanity and hides from Humanity. To keep up-to-date, subscribe by leaving your email and keep yourself in the loop.
Wow! Very informative. Thank you
This is great. I see a lot of useful and important information here. Thank you.