Sovereignty keepers of Earth, who are they? And what is it for? Surprisingly, you will find that Human Beings are the holders of Planets Earth’s Sovereignty. And this has been the case for hundreds of thousands of years. However, Human Beings have been approaching a point of challenge in their collective
evolution for many years. Yet, this challenge is not understood and not what it seems; for many, it goes unrecognised. So, I must inform you that the Human Family is being challenged by ET Life in the Universe.
Human Sovereignty Is Being Challenged.
Moreover, why has the Human Race misunderstood their Sovereignty? This question is important because others in the Universe have also recognised our errors. This will become a great tragedy for Humanity to face. Why has this gone unrecognised by our leaders? Even so, we have given our Sovereignty to those who govern our world. This is truthfully what has happened. We elect those who are termed as Leaders without a thought for what they will do! Essentially, we give the leaders and their Governments the Authority to do what they wish to do! And no questions asked at the end of their term. As a Race of Beings, Humanity must become more sustainable. It must retain and develop its self-determination. It must also become discreet in the Universe.
The Way Forward For Humanity Will Be Unlike The Past.
However, Human Beings are the representative Keepers of this world’s Sovereignty. Human Beings have been placed into this world purposely by Wise Spiritual Beings. Not for our pleasure but to become Caring Stewards of this world. Before this, no Race of Beings represented the world’s Sovereignty. More to the point is, Humanity have problems, unknowingly our governments have misused our Sovereignty! Our world is under an Alien Intervention, and speaking truthfully, it is more of an Alien Invasion. The Human Race itself is now recognising this fact. But still, our governments wish to hide this reality and keep it
undisclosed. So, it must be ourselves that must find the way forward, and this will be unlike the past. Certainly, Humanity must find a resolution for now and to continue guarding our Future.
The Spirit of Knowledge and its Demonstration in the World.
Surprisingly, Human Beings will wisely respond to what they truly need for their lives. Yet, some will reject it at first, but in hindsight, it will be as beneficial for them too. They will see they have this Sovereignty also. This is not about using force, but rather it’s about being transparent in what is done. The demonstration that’s given by others will show the way forward, and this is leading by example. There is a New World for the future that Humanity will inherit from its past. It will come from those who live with the Spirit within them. In the Greater Community of Worlds, this is known as living with the Spirit of Knowledge. The Spirit of Knowledge is a living Force for Good and is the Greatest Force in the Universe.
The Way Forward for Humanity.
Therefore, how does Humanity move forward and resolve our Sovereignty neglect covering hundreds of years? Essentially, we must accept the errors of our past with humility and seek forgiveness. Sometimes, we must do this to move forward and Navigate the Great Transition to a New World and its Future. The Shock of the Future will disarm many. Here, in this environment, all things can be accessed by relating to our responsibilities. Humanity must elect Leaders who will work with this foundation and be instrumental in its implementation. A Declaration of Human Sovereignty has already been created and printed for the world to explore. This Declaration will be the start of securing our Borders in Space. Of course, this will involve all our world nations, effectively uniting the whole world. Sign the Declaration of Human Sovereignty at this link.
The Coming Follow-up Report.
Inevitably, more reports will follow this last report regarding Human Sovereignty. The next report will focus on the Faculty of Discernment. Then keeping in the loop, as to speak will be good for you. To do this, you can subscribe by leaving your email address for the upcoming reports.
This big picture view makes more common sense than anything else. Sobering alright and a little scary, but I have to admit that it rings true and in alignment with what I think I see happening to the world. I hope that people don’t get lured in with pretty crop circles and lights in the sky. That stuff is kindergarten level art for the intruders.
Take no wooden nickles!
Thank you!